4th Grade Keith Haring
4th Grade recently learned about Pop artist Keith Haring and how he uses movement in his works of art. I started it off by showing them...

Cubist Still Lifes-5th Grade
Our last project we discussed Surrealism, in this project 5th Grade students are focusing on Cubism and artists such as Pablo Picasso. We...

2nd Grade Matisse
The Second Grade has been working on a Unit about Henri Matisse. We studied some of his still lifes which included fish bowls. We...

Surrealist Self Portraits 5th Grade
5th Grade is studying surrealism and the artists Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali. I showed this Prezi to the class to introduce the...

4th Grade Cactus Paintings
4th grade started a Unit on pattern and texture and designed a patterned pot for their cactus plants. The first week we worked on...

Tints and Shades 3rd Grade
The third grade is currently studying value and how to mix tints and shades. They also learned complementary colors along with making...