Surrealist Self Portraits 5th Grade
5th Grade is studying surrealism and the artists Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali. I showed this Prezi to the class to introduce the surrealist art movement. A lot of them recognized Magritte because they had done a project before his False Mirror painting. This project is based around The Son of Man in the picture below.

Here are some Rene Magritte parodies I showed the kids to get them thinking about symbols. They thought these were hilarious.

Here was their painted self portraits! They do not have a face because they will be drawing a symbol that represents themselves to cover their faces with.

Once again, these students have really blown me away with their talent and effort to work hard!
I am already so impressed and I can not wait to see what this year holds for us!
Here are some of the finished products! The students got really creative with their symbols!