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Square 1 Art

It is that time of year again! Square 1 Art is the fundraiser we do every year to help raise money for next year's art budget. The more sales we get the more art materials we can use during art class! The artwork should be sent home the week before Thanksgiving Break ! The deadline for ordering is December 2nd and the products will be delivered before winter break, just in time for the holidays! Artwork gets lost over time either in storage or in a move, but if you get your child's artwork printed on something functional, you are more likely to have it forever. My parents used to buy the refrigerator magnet pack every year and would give the extras to the grandparents as Christmas or birthday gifts. When I go to visit my parents or grandparents, they still have all of our magnets on the refrigerator. Square 1 Art has everything from pillow cases, iPhone cases, aprons, jewelry, mugs, and so much more available for purchase. Please participate in this years fundraiser to help raise money for art supplies!

You can also order online by clicking here!

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