Pablo Picasso Units
The month of March was dedicated to the artist Pablo Picasso for grades 2nd-4th. This bulletin board was inspired by one of my favorite...

Dream Catchers
This is a very late posting of this project, but it is never too late to share. During the month of our Native American Units, 2nd grade...

Square 1 Art
Square 1 Art is the fundraiser we do every year to help raise money for next year's art budget. The more sales we get the more art...

2nd Grade Clay Birds
Second grade recently made textured clay birds using an oil pastel india ink technique instead of traditional glazes. Some of the...

Native American Art Lessons
Around Thanksgiving, PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students learned about Native Americans. We first started off with...

2nd Grade Matisse
The Second Grade has been working on a Unit about Henri Matisse. We studied some of his still lifes which included fish bowls. We...

Circle Weavings with 2nd Grade
I got this idea from the amazing Cassie Stephens. The instructions for this project are on her blog if you click here. I talked about...

1st Week of School!
First week of school was a success! It was so exciting to meet every student in the school and start art activities on the first day. I...