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Only One You Mural

For this project, I read the books Only One You and You Be You by Linda Kranz to Kindergarten and First grade students. We then talked about how it is okay to be different and stand out from the crowd and what it means to be unique! I love this author's illustrations because the fish are all painted rocks. Originally I wanted the students to paint rocks in the style of Linda Kranz to put out in our courtyard, but we ended up using paper and watercolors instead. I might still do the rocks but with the upper grades later this school year. I hung all of the fish up using this pretty water background paper I bought from Michaels.

If you have read previous blog posts of mine that involve technology, I talk a lot about digital portfolios and how I used Seesaw to share digital creations with parents. This school year I have using Class Dojo portfolios which will carry on from year to year for free so that students can see all their work through their time in Elementary school. Luckily I can still use Chatterpix with Class Dojo for students to animate their drawings and talk about their artwork! I had the students talk about their fish they created and how it is unique by describing the different lines, shapes, colors, or patterns they used. Here are some student examples below.

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