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Solar Eclipse 2017

Monday was such a special day for our school and many other people around the nation. Dekalb county purchased solar eclipse glasses in order for us all to witness The Great American Eclipse. At first I was a little mad about having late dismissal, but it was worth it to see the reaction on the kids faces while watching the sun being blocked out by the moon.

This week, I showed all of my students this Prezi about the solar eclipse and every grade made something inspired by this event during art class. PreK and Kindergarten learned about the abstract expressionist, Alma Woodsey Thomas and her "Eclipse" painting. I loved introducing this artist because she used to be an art educator like me before she became famous. It makes me hope that maybe one day when I retire, I too will be able to display my artwork in a museum somewhere around the world.

Here are some of PreK's colleges and Kindergarten's beautiful eclipse paintings inspired by Alma Thomas.

I added solar eclipse glasses to some of Van Gogh's portraits for the hallway display!

4th and 5th grade also used chalk pastels and a lid as a stencil to create the sun's corona for their kinetic art project.

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