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Start of the 2016-2017 School Year

Our PTA theme this year is "What is your super power?" When I think of this question I think about teaching as my super power. This year has been a little of a struggle balancing wedding planning and lesson planning, but I have managed to get through it. I am going through the process of changing my name from Ms. Lowe to Mrs. Petrucelli which has been a crazy transition. Now that the wedding is over, I can finally catch up on my blog again! It has been awhile since I have updated any recent projects but a lot of them I have shown before in previous posts. I will share a couple of new projects I have tried out this year in my following posts, but this post is more for my sanity and making up for my slack in blogging this school year. I am also taking on the task of trying to get my gifted endorsement certification this year, putting on a school art show, and taking the students on another field trip to the High Museum. I have the feeling this year will be tough, but in the end I want to grow as much as I can as a teacher in order to be the best that I can for my students. They give me inspiration to try harder and never give up and I know I need to do the same for them. This is why I say teaching is my super power, because at times it can all feel impossible but when I hear the words "yay we have art today" or "Art is my favorite!" I feel like I have the courage and strength to accomplish anything to make these kids happy. I believe creativity takes courage in both the teacher and the student, but without both we can not conquer all the tasks that are laid before us on our own. Something I heard from one of my favorite professors that I live by at my job is that I want to THRIVE not just Survive.

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