Snowman Bulletin Board
I did one similar to this about a year ago but I decided to add a little more to it this time! I love this time of year because there are countless amount of snowman art lessons and it gets the kids excited about if it will snow or not this year. I also like the connections that the kids make about artists styles. They compare the example paintings of the artists with which snowman they think it matches to with out even realizing they are being art critics. I made it into a contest by encouraging the students to turn in to me which snowman matches what artist by the end of the month for a chance to win a prize. I did a drawing and which ever one I pulled out with all 6 answers correct first won a T-shirt and a bag of candy.

The winner was Isabella from Linton's 3rd grade class. She made my day by wearing the shirt she won to art class the next week. I was very surprised how many entries there ended up being. Some students said it was too easy and that I should do another one. I am considering doing one more contest some time in the Spring because of the outcome I had of participation from this contest.
