The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Pre-K)
This is the first year at Evansdale that Pre-K has started specials! They are so adorable and they just love everything you do or say! There is even a set of tripplets in the class who are all girls. I started the school year off with a Very Hungry Caterpillar Unit. Eric Carle has been one of my favortie childrens book illustrators since I was a little girl. I started the class off by reading the book and then I played a this video that animates the book.
I then had them make a collaborative caterpillar by giving them each a paper plate to draw pictures of what the caterpillar ate in the story. When they finished I had Eric Carle handout coloring sheets.

I hung their giant caterpillar outide of their classroom!
The following week we talked about lines and the colors of the rainbow. We stuck with the catepillar theme and made a collage similar to this one. (This is not my students work, but the example I showed them before starting the project. I did not get a chance to take pictures of their work before they took them home.

On week 3 they started making their butterflies by painting coffee filters with water colors! I was very surprised how smooth the painting process went with them.