Lines and Color Unit with Kindergarten!
Kindergarten's first Unit was all about colors and lines. The week I went over different kinds of lines as well as the colors of the rainbow(ROY-G-BIV). They Might Be Giants has a great rainbow song I played for them to introduce color!
We then drew different types of lines with crayons after discussing the difference between wavy, straight, zig zag, curly, and dashed lines. (I got most of my inspiration for this unit from Cassie Stephens Blog) We painted over out lines with water color creating a rainbow!

The next week I tried something new called "Walk the Line" and I took them all outside on the blacktop with sidewalk chalk. I drew four really long lines (dashed, zig zag, wavy, and straight). I made it into a game by having them walk the line and I divided them up on the lines so they wouldn't all being running into each other. Each student had a big piece of sidewalk chalk and would have to draw the line after they walked it. For example, when students were at the end of the zig zag line they had to draw a zigzag line before they would go to the next one. I drew arrows on which lines to go to next. This only lasted about 10-15 min so then I had them all gather around to play "simon says" but drawing style! They loved this! They had to sit down when they were out but they could still draw along. The last 5 min I allowed them to free draw what ever they wanted and I noticed a lot of them were making patterns and didn't even realize it!!! Some made rainbows, flowers, shapes, and even their own line obstacle courses. They all seemed to have a blast.

The third week we started to talk about the difference between 2D Art and 3D Art. The task for the day was to make paper line sculptures, but I told them to think of it as designing a roller coaster. Their letter of the week in their classrooms was "R" and it somehow ended up relating to the "R"oller coasters we were making! I could tell the Kindergarten team loved that! Their final products turned out awesome!!!