K-2 Clay Projects
The first couple of weeks of student teaching we worked on basic hand building methods in clay with K-2. Kindergarten is doing a penguin unit, 1st grade is doing a melted snowman unit, and 2nd grade is making bird baths. The clay lessons took four weeks due to the kiln firing process of about 12 different classes. We had started 2D lessons to go along with each unit the week of firing so every class could stay at the same pace and get caught up. The first day’s lessons with K-1 we gave each student a clay ball to get a feel for clay and went over how to make a slab, coil, and pinch pot. Second grade, we went ahead and made a pinch pot/ bowl for their bird baths. The next lesson, 2nd grade made the bird and decorated the base or stand by painting wooden spools another student's grandma donated. The third lesson for each class consisted of painting their clay projects and decorating them. They all turned out so adorable and the kids were so excited to take their finished products home!